- 04:58 0500...i should be friggin asleep. Must. Have. Java. #
- 05:05 @YasmineGalenorn eeeeeee! I'm so going to the mall today! O.O #
- 05:09 ooooo....Night Huntress is coming out today & just remembered I got a B&N card for Christmas! *snoopy dancing* #
- 05:12 @YasmineGalenorn oh, would love for you to visit Southern California! #
- 05:13 @ScarletCorset *snickers* now there's a visual! Hope you're feeling better today! #
- 05:19 @katiebabs lmao...do they leave each other contrary messages? O.o #
- 05:24 @meljean to bed? I just woke up an hour ago! oi, you keep late hours, dear! rest well! #
- 05:25 @katiebabs *snickers* Yes...ask how he faired this past Christmas season! lol #
- 05:26 @katiebabs or, even better, what are his new yr's resolutions are for '09. hehe #
- 11:47 @katiebabs teehee...did he answer? #
- 13:01 @MaggieMae1969 oh yes! If you haven't read Otherworld series by Yasmine Galenorn...I highly recommend it! #
- 13:14 @cranberrytarts thx girls...now i have that friggin song stuck in my head too! suppose it's a good theme to go to the mall with! lol #
- 13:16 @jenthegingerkid ooooh...like maybe a Night Breed baby, from Lara Adrian's books...yup...could be! #
- 13:20 @redwyne Thanks! I signed up! #
- 13:21 @jenthegingerkid lmao...g'ahead...you deserve it! #
- 13:22 @sherrilynkenyon lmao...I was wrinkling my nose thinking of the last time I saw a skunk near work! lol #
- 14:42 @meljean very true...@ getting up early. normally not a morning person. at. all. O.O #
- 14:45 @blodeuedd83 *running tackles you* BLODEUEDD!!! how are you? Happy New Year! k. gotta run...getting new books (xmas pressie)! Muah!!! #
- 17:00 woohoo! scored Night Huntress, Dead After Dark, Midnight Veil, Ecstacy/ShadowDwellers, & Dawn Keepers!! Merry Freakin Xmas to me!!! #
- 17:02 @katiebabs which show?? Mine is NCIS!!! wooohhoo! McGee hostage in a female prison! Should be good!! #
- 17:06 @cranberrytarts ooo...i'm having leftover enchiladas from last night. #
- 17:08 note2self: Ariel goes into the vault @ end of mth! also, need to find more classic #9 4 it's lost & the squishies need a copy! #
- 17:09 @barbaravey *whispers* because they're creepy, dark, & hard to get out of when the ax murders in movies come after you. O.O ...just sayin' #
- 23:29 I Tweeted! I Tweeted: 19:04 @limecello ugh! poor thing! I allergic to milk proteins which sucks big ti.. tinyurl.com/9yxd5k #
1 day ago
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