- 23:55 @Faol *sigh* no. although I did make him flinch & back up when he started poking @ my toe *ebil grin* I have have to go see my doc on Mon. #
- 23:58 Currently reading: Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz. It's a YA, are you proud of me @RavenousReadr? #
- 00:05 aleve is a beautiful drug. ♫ blip.fm/~jajn2 #
- 00:06 @Faol I can think of a couple of nurses & docs I work with... #
- 00:08 @blip.fm I'd like to make a request for multiple playlists. ok, that is all. #
- 00:10 hmmm...let's try this name: @blipfm I'd like to make a request for multiple playlists. ok, that is all. #
- 00:11 @Faol lol. harder drugs are quite ugly on me. 0.o #
- 01:26 You are standing at the threshold of a new adventure as auspic... More for Pisces twittascope.com/twittascope/?sign=12 #
- 07:19 was just given my xmas gift from my gniece. it's a little calender w/landscape pix by John Gavrilis. 0.0 She picked out during a borders buy #
- 11:59 Don't get me wrong. I lubs my gniece. But seriously, I almost tossed her w hen she accidently hit my wounded big toe. O.O #
- 12:17 $153 for an ok seat to see Bon Jovi in Anaheim, $226 in Vegas. I remember paying $30 to see them. Sucks major butt. #
- 12:19 hmmm... I think I'd rather save $$$ to go back to New Orleans. #
- 12:36 @Faol seriously? That sounds good. Isn't Simon & Garfunkel going to be there? #
- 12:37 @Faol Unfortunately, the slow season @ the hospital wiped out my paid leave, but would be fun! Are you already looking into it? #
- 12:38 @YasmineGale norn Oh, yes! Very Happy Birthday to you! #
- 12:38 @RavenousReadr Hey girl. How are you? How's your mom? #
- 12:39 @IWNBTS well, aren't you ambitious? Good luck! Happy Hunting! #
- 18:00 listening to "Five Finger Death Punch - Walk Away (SpinningDiscs)" ♫ blip.fm/~jbnpt #
- 18:02 listening to "HEARTKILLER - HIM (with lyrics)" ♫ blip.fm/~jbns5 #
- 18:06 listening to "Mudvayne - Scream With Me (SpinningDiscs)" ♫ blip.fm/~jbnwz #
- 18:09 @DariaDAMMIT aye. Jon Bon Jovi = Tween Crush. OK...so maybe I'm not over it. #
- 18:10 @DariaDAMMIT doctors ok. However, I believe my twitching made his mind up to send me home on antibiotics & a "go see" my primary md. heh. #
- 18:11 @DariaDAMMIT btw, I saw that Grammy vote thing today. I did. I'll be back tomorrow. ^__^ #
- 18:13 hee, you make me smirk. rt @limecello @SwagBucks any #swagbucks codes today TSG? *ever hopeful* :) #
- 18:15 oooo, I forgot to tell you! Found someone @ work that LOVES True Blood. We're swapping my books for her Season 1. *joy* @isis_nocturne #
- 18:20 4 the 1st time since 1998, lucky Jupiter is back n ur sign. This yr u definitely will increase ur poise& self-confidence. It's ur yr 2 HOWL! #
- 18:21 So eat that horrorscope @Faol!!! (from today's horoscope in today's paper) #
- 18:34 Go vote for which song Bon Jovi will sing @ the Grammys this year! www.cbs.com/specials/grammys/polls/ (for @DariaDAMMIT) #
- 18:37 @katiebabs not sure if it's legal, but I've sent the file of the song to people before. Or you can use box.net & share the file there. #
- 21:27 PSA RT @NancyLeeGrahn: ok 5 $ for Hiati aid 4 every new follower til midnight PST (via @ambersonian) #
- 21:51 @c2s oh, so I'm not the only that does that? aah, sweet fellowship! #
- 21:53 you just made me hungry again. @LdyDisney @Annmarie_A34 @cranberrytarts Tater Tot casserole sounds delicious!!! :) #
1 day ago
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