- 19:25 This caught my ear today: Be careful little eyes what you see| It's the second glance that ties your hands as d... ♫ blip.fm/~6b00z #
- 19:29 Anywhere outside of LA should be ok for vegans stuff. We have none in the IE! @c2s @weendizzle @Limecello @cranberrytarts #
- 19:31 @limecello Changling won U over? Haven't watched it yet...I only watch hard stuff w/children when I think I won't be a complete basket case. #
- 19:35 @TranquilMammoth HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Pic = 33 ...which reminds me of a certain appendage when you look at the small pic. just. sayin. #
- 19:35 @Ambersonian I'll be there! You? #
- 19:36 @limecello yup...Inland Empire. IE, Baby! lol #
- 19:38 @limecello agonizing pain is never good. nope. hhhmm. can you go swimming? no impact involved. Unless you jump into the water from a height. #
- 19:39 @voodoogoddess ooooooo...i love bunco! such fun! hmmm...I haven't been to one of those in months. should try & go next month. #
- 19:41 RT @voodoogoddess VANE needs votes! RT @ Bitten by Books, bit.ly/4FyXT (unless you're a traitor like & vote for Smokey...baaad dd!) #
- 19:43 @Ambersonian aaaaah...shoot. H something. Left side facing the stage, like the 8th row from the pit. I will stop by! #
- 19:43 @Ambersonian Is that DN's side? sure hope so!! #
- 19:49 Thanks for the heads up on @TranquilMammoth's bday, @giorjess. btw...is it just me or does that lil pic look like a...certain appendage? 0.o #
- 19:51 @jenthegingerkid do i want to know what the diamond nip is about? #
- 19:52 ok...i'm not liking the new & improved #fixreplies crap. it's gonna make me use tweetdeck which sucks up my pc mem & slows everthing down!!! #
- 20:07 He makes the news sound so good...even if I don't always know what he's saying! yuuummmy eyes! twitgoo.com/3cis #
- 20:09 @FantasyDreamer xxxxxxactly! st0opid #fixreplies. #
- 20:11 lmao! smarty... RT @giorjess @tranquilmammoth yes! It looks exactly like a left arm! ;) #
- 20:12 @ScarletCorset @katiebabs "Remain aloft, milady! There are games afoot!" heh...love that scene. #
- 20:23 aaaaaaaah! just ran thru the house, to the garage, to my car to hunt for my cell...to try for those dayum tix again! *sigh* it just rings.. #
- 20:24 @Light474 it's a powerful song. I should feel convicted..but I like my sins too much I think. This is bad. #
- 20:27 @jenthegingerkid lmao...I like the duct tape & windex idea. heh. hope it heals quickly. Did the md have anything to say? lol #
- 20:47 Voted for Series & Secondary Characters! @BittenbyBooks Plz RT: Vote in the Paranormal Primaries now!! bittenbybooks.com/?p... #
- 20:48 @limecello tsk tsk...what did you do to yourself? #
- 20:50 I'm trying to not to think about how much my face hurts, @30SECONDSTOMARS What are you thinking about? #
- 20:54 @limecello mmhhmmm...keep telling yaself that. I know it's cuz you were kickin entitled biotch asses @ work again. grrrrrl...no need to lie. #
- 20:59 @BakeMeUpLA lmao...I'd so lose in any kind of fight. nah. sinus/allergy troubles. do sorta feel like a punching bag...poor teeth & cheeks. #
- 21:04 @essensu see if you hadn't included me in that RT...I'd have missed your awesome quotes!! #
- 22:10 @BakeMeUpLA yes, hives should be illegal, as well as itchy swollen eyes that look like some inflated them like inner tubes! gah #
1 day ago
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