- 05:33 the one damn day i do not have to be up by 0500 & the friggin alarm went at just about that time...for a freakin low battery. *pissed* #
- 05:35 @BittenbyBooks I passed out after work yesterday. Got as far as turning on the pc, but I didn't make it to yesterdays event! Sorry!! #
- 05:38 @webbie128 You & me both!!! Here's to the lotto! *raises...empty* damn, I need coffee. #
- 05:49 Hey, tweeps! I know there's no D-H or BDB, but go vote 4 your fave ParaNormal Series @BittenbyBooks anyway! bittenbybooks.com/?p=7781 #
- 05:52 @VeganAvenger heh...yes, my squishies make me for get the bad things in life! #
- 05:57 No...most definitely not like the others! @marvel @dd03 twitpic.com/5usv2 - One of those things is not l... ♫ blip.fm/~74fom #
- 06:00 @VeganAvenger I no longer have the umph to be pissed. Still need coffee. Think I'll make some. Hopefully, someone bought cinna-sticks. >.< #
- 06:15 @katiebabs aaah, poooo. that is all about that. btw...love that your fave book is The Stand. Did you know there's a comic of it? Needztobuy! #
- 06:19 heh...i'm cannon fodder! rt @VeganAvenger For someone that just woke up, your mind is shot out of a cannon! .... #
- 06:20 @VeganAvenger btw...why "still awake"? Insomnia? ...gonna be a long day for you buddy! #
- 08:06 @katiebabs I've read it about 3 or 4 times. I still need to buy it too...it looks awesome though. You can find at @Marvel #
- 08:08 @VeganAvenger Sorry...I ended up catnapping while the coffee perked. Now I feel worse. #
- 08:09 @VeganAvenger As for your "thing"...I'm usually incoherent after uummm...24+ hrs w/out sleep. I'm so not young anymore! *very sad* #
- 08:21 PSA: Free lessons available on "How to Eff Up a Pot of Automatic Coffee"! I'll even show you how the coffee stays in the filter. LITTLE MESS #
- 12:06 @BittenbyBooks aaaaaaaaaw! I so missed out! #
- 16:04 i managed to hit a fakakta lexus! >.< #
- 18:45 hit someones bumper #
- 18:48 @ACRead I'm fine. Luckily we both have AAA. No deductibles. had 2 run 2 make sure I'd paid my insurance! gah!! No injuries...just her lexus! #
- 22:08 Wicked giveawy! 8 GB iPod Touch by @authorsara aka Sara Taney Humphreys via @BittenbyBooks bittenbybooks.com/?p=7829 ends 6.10.09! #
- 23:24 Win a Kindle 2 @BittenbyBooks Have 1 week left enter...ends 5.31.09!! bittenbybooks.com/?p=6834 #
- 23:25 @ACRead no, not moving fast...was in parking garage & backing up when she pulled out! Of all things...a friggin LEXUS! #
- 23:26 @Light474 my car's a trooper...took out that fakakta lexus. hhhmmm...but really...this is a bad thing. ^.~ #
- 23:26 @arathisiewen you mean you can make a good pot of coffee? #
- 23:35 @TranquilMammoth Did you go to the NIN/JA concert recently? Was at Irvine...good times! #
- 23:47 @shaunduke just give it a try...i've won things just by randomly posting a comment w/out doing all the other options. Can't hurt! #
- 23:49 @davesjessica I'm listening! I just don't call in. Caught the end of Dave's call. #
- 23:50 @hardlynormal good luck. #
- 23:51 @VeganAvenger you finally hit the wall? Rest well! #
- 23:52 ok...gotta work in am. I'm gonna be tired....friggin 0500 comes too early. Can't remember why I work the day shift now.... 0.o #
1 day ago
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