- 09:40 NCIS marathon on USA! woohooo....Gibbs & coffee in teh am. perfect. #
- 10:03 @jenthegingerkid @ least it was 4 stars. I just ♥ me some Sebastian! lol #
- 10:05 @elizagaylebooks xxxactly! but must try! oy. got to run out in the rain! not looking forward to it! @ least finally saw the end of this epi! #
- 10:05 @blodeuedd83 yay!! still need to find the NCIS sdtrk! really frustrating me! >.< #
- 10:08 @jenthegingerkid mmm...will trust your opinion as I do not read many historicals, etc. maybe I should, but my tbr & tbp r outta control. #
- 10:12 @jenthegingerkid ah...& your right...they needed better villians. You'd think the family would've tried harder to get her back. *shrugs* #
- 10:33 @jenthegingerkid have you tried kleypas's contemporary? they say sugar daddy series is good. bought them, just haven't read them yet. #
- 10:35 wow...everyone's all atwitter today! think we'll crash it again! lol #
- 10:36 i need some app for my pc so i don't have to keep refreshing page...but my pc's low on memory. sigh...need to get delete happy. #
- 10:39 @bookbinge depends on the book/movie/etc. If it's not something i plan to get to right away *coughTwilightcough*, then spoil away, i says! #
- 10:42 @ChristineA Hey, you! How are you? Enjoying the day off with the girls? #
- 10:52 @jaciburton joins you in squeefest for Transformers! #
- 11:00 turning off tv to do errands...or will not leave NCIS marathon! gah!! #
- 13:45 @cranberrytarts what is firefox? and yes...want auto updates for twitter. #
- 13:47 @bookbinge hhmmm...sometimes I just can't wait. so if someones got an ARC...i may wheedle some spoilers outta them. lol #
- 13:48 @jenthegingerkid rly? i think you're the 1st to say that to me. looks @ pink book. o.O well, i'll get to it eventually. #
- 13:51 k...you'll have been busy in the past few hrs! had to hit the older button about 20 times...*starts running thru twitter to catch up* #
- 13:53 @cranberrytarts ooo...another book. hit faves to comeback to. #
- 13:54 @AletheaKontis bwwwaahhhaahhaha! do they have no shame? *eye roll* #
- 13:56 @SmartBitches *snickers* i don't use FB very much. I don't find as user friendly as blogs or twitter...even myspace. #
- 13:58 ok...i really need to get a tv in my room or a laptop! gah...in room, run to tv on fave spots of ncis, run back. you'd think i'd lose wt! #
- 13:59 @jenthegingerkid what is TSTL? i really need an acronym decoder! *sigh* #
- 14:06 @angelajames they're on the 4th gen now?? gah! I have a 2nd gen nano...silver! i lubs it. #
- 14:08 @c2s BED??? blue eyed stranger? i think the 3rd in SD series is coming out this spring already. #
- 14:11 @jenthegingerkid *blinks* wow. ...hhmmm, sperm thief in a historical?? *tries to visualize* was he unconscious? o.O #
- 14:13 @jaciburton @katiebabs aaawww...I ♥ transformers! It's my new Independence Day! y'know, plays in background if nothing on! yeah!! ^.^ #
- 14:20 @jenthegingerkid ooooooo...did you see this movie's upgrade? ^__^ #
- 14:25 RT @AFI Be the first to represent Crash Love. tinyurl.com/253sls #
- 14:36 @cranberrytarts lol...i think that's his wifeon the site with him. but then, that doesn't mean anything either. just sayin' #
- 14:48 @cranberrytarts ooooh! will look into it. have to use ext. harddrive & deletedeletedelete to get pc running better! #
- 14:50 @jenthegingerkid lol...k! my guess was too stupid to last. heh #
- 14:52 @cranberrytarts yes! very chatty...but am glad. hit faves button lots to help keep track of bk titles for later purchase! i like that button #
- 14:54 @jenthegingerkid was going to buy it at one time...hmmm, maybe it did. i loan bks to auntie before i read them, so, *shrugs* #
- 14:56 @c2s lol you're on up on me! haven't started! bought on Christine's recommendation...aunt read them and lurvs them. TBR TBR. #
- 14:57 @jenthegingerkid errr? k, oddly...i'm now intrigued! o.O *twisted* #
- 14:59 @jenthegingerkid oooooooo....lordy, i can't remember the link for the pic. was it an ad or a con pic...damn, can't remember! will try 2 find #
- 15:03 @TS3 damn, @Agent_M gave you a shoutout...lemming here followed. I now have Final Countdown in my head! gah! *looks for nano* o.O btw, hello #
- 15:05 @LdyDisney *starts to itch in nose* damn milk allergy! see what you started? #
- 15:06 RT @OwenC RT @mashable: Facebook Responds to Concerns Over Terms of Service ( bit.ly/RXg2e ) #
- 15:15 @limecello lmao! I love FML! glad too see i'm not the only one that follows them! #
- 15:18 @LdyDisney thank you! if it'd a few yrs ago...i'd have tackled you for teh cheese! #
- 15:20 @Agent_M *snickers* shocked you didn't make like Phoebe..."MY EYES, MY EYES!!!" lmao #
- 15:26 woooohoooo! finally caught up on twitter....no to go watch more NCIS & play LOTR on my gameboy...i know, i'm game-handicapped...game-capped? #
- 19:15 @limecello heh...yeah. they're on twitter. it's like a horrible car accident...you can't help but slow up & look! O.O #
- 21:44 @angelajames haven't read any of KMM's books except Immortal Highlander....lllurrrv me some Adam Black!! #
- 21:45 @YasmineGalenorn world shift! A YEAR! *feels headache coming on* #
- 21:59 @TranquilMammoth oooo...but we could try! especially if they're Van's multigrain frozen waffles! yuummmm tinyurl.com/46bfps #
- 22:01 @BittenbyBooks *pats on back* i can no longer buy one. starbucks has soy, but they are not so careful on the cross contamination! bah!! #
- 22:02 @BittenbyBooks ...cont.. and in all honesty, it's not the same! doesn't taste the same, feel the same...*le sigh* #
- 22:03 @limecello lol...like a dirty lil secret! #
- 22:19 @anamariecox Q: do you know how to retrieve your hashtags? can't seem to figure it out. *blush* #
- 22:20 @jaciburton O.O is that a bad thing. I'm always saying...that sucks, etc. #
- 22:45 @diannalove You're in LA!!! omg...so close, yet so far away! *breaks out in song* #
- 22:47 @cranberrytarts had D'elias grinders! yuuummmy! very full still. love me some D'elias! fresh bread....such goodness. #
- 22:49 @faeriesqueen19 k...that's freaky. sometimes feel someone watching. chalk it up to too many paranormals, PS & GHI! meh. #
- 22:51 @c2s @limecello lmao...i'd take the coupon too! #
- 23:00 imported my new Nickelback & UW cd's...had to delete songs to do it! *sigh* I need a new pc. Now fixing nano list! wooohooo! #
- 23:05 @jenthegingerkid lmao...wth were you doing to warrant that? #
- 23:12 @YasmineGalenorn wow! I can't wait to read them! I ♥ the sisters...ea. in a diff way. And their men! rrrawr!! #
- 23:14 @LdyDisney oooo! been wanting to see that! reminds me...i need to find Nightmare Before Christmas!! #
1 day ago
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