Sunday, March 08, 2009


This is my sorta review, which is actually a comment I made to Ann Aguirre's post on the subject.

I for one liked it enough to give it another go. Unfortunately, I was very tired on Thursday when my nephew & I went to the midnight opening. I kept doing the head nod during the slower parts.

I liked that they gave the backstory and didn't assume you know your Watchmen-shite....because I don't. I never read the comic. Which I was sorry for because I really wanted a poster they were giving out during the trivia contest just before the start. ....and I WANTED A FRIGGIN' BUTTON!! I just didn't get tossed one & it was my birthday! *sniffles* bday had ended at midnight, but hey, I wanted that darn smiley button. *sigh*

Oh, I loved the trailers before the show...Terminator Salvation, Wolverine: Origins, & 9. I really want to see these movies!

What I really enjoyed from the movie: soundtrack & Rorschach. Rorschach had the best scenes & backstory, in my Watchmen-uneducated opinion.

hhhmmm...I guess this is my review of the movie. think I'll repost it if you don't mind, 'cuz i'm lazy like that! ;p

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